Ikonoskop presenterar nu på IBC deras första digitala version av A-CAM.

Kameran har en single sensor 2/3” med pixelformatet 1920×1080, vilket är full HD.

Kameran spelar in bilden okomprimerat som en RAW-signal på ett 80 GB minneskort som rymmer 12 minuter. Kameran är flexibelt uppbyggd när det gäller objektivfattningar; PL, C-gänga, Leica M och IMS (Interchangeable Mount System). Alla 16 mm och S-16 objektiv passar. Man kan säga att RED-kameran fått en “lillebror”.

Läs mer på nästa sida och mer info hittar du på Ikonoskops websida.
Ikonoskops websida

On Friday the 12th of September 2008 at IBC Ikonoskop introduces it’s new digital motion picture camera: A-cam dII. A-cam dII offers professional image quality with high-resolution images, ready to use out of the box.

Why compress the reality? That is what we asked ourself and decided not to do. A-cam dII is the only camera providing totally uncompressed images in RAW format. It means: Let the camera do the capturing and let the computer do the necessary processing. It’s as simple as that.
What You See Is What You Get – High Definition

When recording in 1920 x 1080 pixels you can master directly to HD-cam, HD-cam SR or any other full HD-formats that you have available. If you need to print your footage to film you can use the native 1.78:1 aspect ratio without any loss of pixels. A-cam dII records what you need. Uncompressed. Period.
That is what we call WYSIWYG-HD.

The fastest memory in the world

A-cam dII records to the 80 GB Memory Cartridge developed by Ikonoskop. At 240MB/second it records at almost twice the speed of the second fastest memory card on the market. One 80 GB Ikonoskop Memory Cartridge has a capacity of more than 12 minutes of footage, audio and metadata.

Like digital Super-16

A-cam dII’s Super-16 sized sensor opens up for the use of Super-16 mm lenses. This enables you to use the best cine and prime lenses available. Our sensor and the technology around A-cam dII is built on the knowledge and experience from our much acclaimed A-cam SP-16 motion picture camera.


One camera – several lenses

As one of the few camera manufacturers in the world to support all the de-facto industry standards of lens mounts we believe that A-cam dII will be the camera for You. Use your Leica M, PL, C-mount and even IMS and continue to capture cinematic moments in a digital world.
A-cam dII is small, light and versatile with an appealing ergonomic design. To us, function has to team up with design to even be considered.

A film camera must never be intimidating, not to the user and not to the object. A-cam dII weighs less than 1.5 kilos and is arguably the smallest professional digital motion picture camera on the market. A-cam dII is designed for people. And tripods.

A-cam dII is brought to you by Ikonoskop, the innovators behind the A-cam SP-16. With a proven track record as one of the world’s most innovative and experimental design-driven camera manufacturers. Ikonoskop is run by filmmakers and all products have emerged out of a personal need for new tools of expression.