We produced the ICVFX for the show ”A Nearly Normal Family”. The girl is in a studio in front of our screens here.
Igelkott uses native 360 capture from the platform of your choice – car, plane, boat, tripod. What native 360 gives us is the location’s soul that holds up in any direction. We are a replacement for shooting on location for select scenes.
Läs mer…Her work on “Crossing” (Passage), directed by Levan Akin, earned her the award. The film also received awards for best film and best director. This is Lisabis’s second time receiving the award, having also received it for her cinematography on “And Then We Danced” in 2020.
Läs mer…”I hear you paint houses!”
I was reminded of that famous line from Martin Scorsese’s ”The Irishman”, when SONY representative Daniel Listh told me at Camerimage recently ”We’ve heard you also teach cinematography”.
And when I confirmed that he was indeed right about that, he offered ”so we’d like to invite you a few weeks from now to our Digital Production Centre at Pinewood Studios, if the dates work with your other commitments”. Of Course I was thrilled to hear this, and asked if it’d be okay to bring along a colleague and fellow FSF Board member, and yes that was fine. SONY has the Bucks. 🙂
Läs mer…The new generation 65 mm camera is one-third the size and weight of its predecessor. It features a revised 65 mm sensor, the color science from Alexa 35 and a new filter cartridge system.
It can’t have escaped many that the 32nd edition of the Camerimage Film Festival, held recently in the picturesque little medieval city of Torun in Poland, has been accompanied by considerable controversy. Some high-profile ”no-shows”, like director Steve mcQueen and his DP Yorick Le Saux deciding not to attend the festival even though their historical war drama ”Blitz” was the festival’s opening feature, and similarly the director-cinematographer team of Coralie Fargeat and Benjamin Kračun pulling their film ”The Substance” out of the competition, put something of a dent in the festival.
Läs mer…TOKYO, November 12, 2024 – FUJIFILM Corporation announces that it is currently in the process of developing its first-ever filmmaking camera, the “FUJIFILM GFX ETERNA” (GFX ETERNA), with plans for a release in 2025. The “GFX ETERNA” will feature a large format sensor, “GFX 102MP CMOS II HS”, which is approximately 1.7 times larger than a 35mm sensor, and the high-speed image processing engine “X-Processor 5”, enabling filmmakers to capture rich, true to life visuals and have enhanced flexibility in post-production. Both the “GFX 102MP CMOS II HS” sensor and “X-Processor 5” are the latest technologies featured in the mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”, which delivers extraordinarily high image quality with its 102 million pixels.
Fackförbundet Scen & Film fördelar 30 stipendier à 20 000 kronor (efter skatt) till utövande konstnärer och upphovspersoner, till exempel skådespelare, filmfotografer, dansare, scenografer, regissörer, koreografer, musikalartister och kostym-designer.
Varmt välkomna tillbaka till Barbros.
Tisdagen 19/11 kommer Marek Septimus Wieser gästa oss. Hans senaste produktion Stenbeck är en dramaserie i fem delar i regi av Goran Kapetanovic har premiär på SVT i mars 2025.
Marek kommer också att prata om och visa scener ur dramaserien Karantina-En internationell produktion inspelad bland annat i Athen och Beirut med casting från Libanon, Saudi Arabien, Syrien, Egypten, USA och England, även den i regi av Goran Kapetanovic.
Läs mer…Öppet i bakre rummet ”Lilla Bjurö” på Restaurang Brogatan i Malmö.
Tid: 24:e oktober, från kl 19 för mingel. Samtal kl 20.
Plats: Restaurang Brogatan, Brogatan 12, SE-211 44 Malmö
Sophie kommer att prata om metoder för att utveckla en visuell vision. Hur kan man göra för att hitta vad en film vill vara och värna om det tills den är klar? Exempel används från långfilmer som är i förproduktion, den afrofuturistiska horror filmen Steal Away som är i klipp samt Clara Sola, Pleasure och Aniara. Vill ni vara väl förberedda så finns dessa att hyra på SF Anytime eller annan streamingtjänst.
Ansvarig för kvällen:
Jon Rudberg
Nordens största filmstudio invigd – ”nu trycker vi på gasen”
Under måndagen den 9 oktober invigdes den nya filmstudion som ersätter padelhallen vid Blå Port i Karlskrona. Samtidigt avslöjades namnet på studion och regionens satsning för att stärka film- och TV-produktionen i länet.
I den närmare 1 600 kvadratmeter stora lokalen har nämligen en gigantisk skärm, 25 gånger 6 meter, tagit plats.
– Om man pratar om upplösning handlar det om 18 miljoner pixlar. Det finns lite andra tekniska lösningar och miljöer, men vad gäller den här lösningen är det den största som finns i Sverige. Så den är rätt unik på så sätt, säger Tobias Larsson.
Between the 21st and 27th of September, the 45th edition of the International Cinematographer’s Film Festival ”Manaki Brothers” was held in Bitola, North Macedonia, offering a full week of lectures, workshops and endless film screenings. And what can be said about the Manaki festival that hasn’t already been said? It may easily be the nicest film festival out there. All of us invited to participate are treated like royalty in this extremely charming little town -and on top of that basking in 30 centigrade sunshine all day long. One wouldn’t be surprised if one got pinched in the arm and woke up having dreamt the whole thing, it’s that pleasant.
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