Arbetskopia med Alexa och Sound Devices
För att enkelt få en arbetskopia, om man med Alexa och spelar in ProRes/DNxHD log eller RAW, kan man koppla till en extern recorder och spela in video 709 via Alexas videoutgång.
Man kan på Sound Device PIX240, med den nya programvaran, spela in video ProRes eller DNxHD som arbetskopia med tidkod, ljud och Alexans sceennummer, mm.
Abel Cine har gjort en video där detta arbetssätt visas.
Abel Cine video
Mer info om Sound Devices
Sound Devices recently released new firmware for their PIX240 recorder that adds several new functions. Version 2.01 of their firmware, codenamed Athena, adds playlist functionality, an anamorphic de-squeeze for converting between SD and HD, and an improved audio delay function. However, the big feature that we are all excited about is the ability of the PIX240 to pull file names from the Arri ALEXA. This function allows the PIX240 to create ProRes or DNxHD recordings of the ALEXA’s output with matching file names from the camera. The ALEXA can output video with a Look Up Table (LUT) applied, while recording in LogC internally. Combine it with the PIX240, and now LogC and standard video files can be created at the same time. In effect, the PIX240 can create rough instant dailies for the ALEXA, a function that will certainly be useful for many workflows.