ARRI announces the ALEXA 265
The new generation 65 mm camera is one-third the size and weight of its predecessor. It features a revised 65 mm sensor, the color science from Alexa 35 and a new filter cartridge system.
From March 22nd to 23rd it was time for the 2019 edition of Microsalon Rome at legendary Cinecittà Studios. When I mentioned to my friends a while back that I wanted to visit the Microsalon, they were inquisitive, ”why do you want to go t...
Beginning on March 14th, Belgrade in Serbia was the picturesque backdrop to the 2019 edition of the IAGA and the IMAGO Awards Ceremony. These events stretched out over three consecutive days, and also allowed for a little time left over on sunday ...
Most Swedish Filmworkers know Jonas Elmqvist from thirty years back as one of the founders of the lighting rental house Dagsljus Inc in 1989, and some are aware that nowadays Jonas is part of the small but dedicated team that run BB&S Inc. There ...
Heading for the 2019 edition of the BSC Expo, I had a mild feeling of trepidation and worried a bit what I was going to write about. What had received the most amount of beforehand attention seemed to be the new RED Ranger camera, which is not for ...
Between january 25th and 27th 2019 the IMAGO MasterClass Committee presented the ”Inspiration” lecture event, held in Vienna Austria. The IMAGO Masterclasses are celebrating this year their 10th anniversary, and besides the IMAGO Committee, t...
Tony Zierra’s documentary ”Filmworker” has received a lot of attention this autumn, and in spite of the fact that the film premiered at the Cannes film Festival well over a year ago, it still keeps making headlines. The film has received a numb...
Between the 13th and 18th of September at the IBC in Amsterdam, the leading manufacturers from all corners of the world of equipment and software for the broadcast industry, as well as the audiovisual industry in general, all gathered for a hectic we...
Ever since the 1960s Swedish public service television has always aired a special Christmas calendar TV series counting down the days to Christmas eve, and over the years there have been many story variations, from fairy tales to ghost stories, but t...
Thursday the 16th, at the Swedish Film Institute Victor cinema, the FSF in collaboration with Panasonic and Mediateknik AB held the ”Varicam Experience and Colour Managment Workshop”. The workshop consisted of three lectures. First speaker was Lu...
About six months ago, under the headline ’Save the Lab’ you could read here about how Focus Film AB, the last film lab in Scandinavia, were in a dire situation. To our great relief –and to the relief of all scandinavian productions wishing to s...