Kommer Kleijn, SBC, får tekniskt pris av BSC

Den i Belgien baserade filmfotografen Kommer Kleijn, SBC, tilldelas av BSC deras mest prestigefyllda tekniska pris, ”The Bert Easy Award for Technical Achievement”. Kommer Kleijn har inom Imagos tekniska kommitté arbetat med att få igenom en världsomfattande standard när det gäller bildfrekvenser för digitala biografprojektorer.

Både ASC och SMPTE hade inte satt som standard 25, 50 och 60 b/s utan rekommenderade endast 24, 30 och 48 b/s. Det tog Kommer ett flertal besök i Holywood och många telefonkonferenser för att övertyga dessa tekniska kommittéer att inkludera alla idag använda bildfrekvenser för att kunna visa alla typer av filmer och video.

Dear Kommer,

It is with great pleasure that I have been asked to inform you that you
have been awarded the most prestigious Technical Award given by the
BSC, The Bert Easy Award for Technical Achievement.
To my knowledge you are the first non- UK citizen to be thus
honoured.The Award itself is only given when there is a worthy
recipient, it is not an automatic annual one. As you are aware the
English are even wary of the Welsh yet alone the Belgians!

Anyway many congratulations. I can’t think who put your name forward
but the recommendation was naturally seconded by Joe Dunton.It will
probably be presented by one of the Presidents of Europe!

Please keep the evening of December 11th free for a trip to Pinewood
where you will be presented with the Award at the BSC Dinner at
“Operators Night” the biggest event of our year . Accommodation will be
arranged in a Nunnery(not joking) for that evening as will transport
from St Pancras Station.

It is also an honour for Imago and just recognition for your

Best Wishes and Congratulations,

Nigel Walters, BSC, Imago President.

Kommer Kleijns websida