Praktisk test av Arris ALEV III SENSOR
Det var den Argentinske filmfotografen och regissören Ciro Cappellari som för sin kommande långfilmsdokumentär Habemus Papam fick möjligheten att praktiskt testa Arris nya CMOS-sonsor ALEV III, som kommer att sitta i de tre digitala kameror som Arri kommer att lansera under 2010.
“We needed some representative shots of Rome, because our film explores the influence of the Vatican on the city,” says Cappellari. “For these shots we wanted a very high picture quality and a dramatic look, so we were filming at dawn and also at dusk. We did some shots of the sun coming through clouds onto St. Peter’s Basilica with at least ten stops of latitude and it was no problem for the ARRI camera. I had the feeling that I was working with a 35mm negative when I saw the pictures.”
Bild: Shooting night exteriors, 1st AC Tommy Mann, Director/DP Ciro Cappellari (Photo by Fanes Film)