Filmen 115 år den 28 december

Den första visningen för allmän, betalande publik hölls den 28 december 1895 på Grand Cafe i Paris, vilket därför allmänt brukar anses som filmens födelsedag. Det visades ett antal kortfilmer av bröderna Lumière, inklusive L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de la Ciotat (Tåget ankommer Ciotats station) och Arbetarna lämnar Lumières fabrik i Lyon.

Arbetarna lämnar fabriken
Tåget anländer till La Ciotat
Här finns fler filmer på YouTube

On December 28, 1895, in front of a paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Paris, the brothers staged a twenty-minute program of ten films, including one ofa train as it entered a station, moving straight toward the camera. The filmcreated panic in the audience; several women are said to have fainted. The event has gone down in history as the first public cinema performance. Withinfive years of the invention of the cinÄmatographe–during which time theLumières promoted it throughout Europe–motion pictures were being made in every developed country in the world. The Lumières continued toinnovate film technology. In Paris in 1900, they demonstrated their Photorama, which was a 360í panoramic projector. Thirty-five years later, they introduced their stereo-cine process, which was based on the principle of anaglyphics.