ARRI announces the ALEXA 265
The new generation 65 mm camera is one-third the size and weight of its predecessor. It features a revised 65 mm sensor, the color science from Alexa 35 and a new filter cartridge system.
Film and television industry struggles with surge in demand for high-end shows fuelled by lockdown binge viewing. Läs mer här....
Curved image sensors mimic the human eye and have massive implications for optical design and overall imaging performance. Curve-One says Läs mer här...
From major movie studios to independent producers, real-time production tools are being explored as a viable alternative to on-set filming. A real-time game engine, such as Unreal Engine or Unity, is a software framework that allows users to create, ...
In this 87-minute discussion video, Emmy-nominated cinematographers Greig Fraser, ASC, ACS and Barry “Baz” Idoine — detail their approach to shooting the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian for interviewer Larry Sher, ASC. Se hela intervjun h...
Linus intervjuas av Roger & James Deakins in senaste podavsnittet av Team Deakins. Lyssn här. ...
DebattGotland gick miste om Game of Thrones för att Sverige ansågs för dyrt. När corona-krisen är över är det dags att Sverige inför produktionsincitament för tv- och filmproduktioner, skriver bland andra Christer Nylander (L). Läs hela art...
In this special episode of the Alpha Universe Podcast, we’re taking a look into the motion picture side of content creation. During the coronavirus shutdowns that have halted film and television production in Southern California, edi...
The Great Film Production Renaissance: Are You Ready? läs mer här...
Bild: Disney Real-time, virtual production tools from “The Lion King” and “The Mandalorian” are paving the way for a brave new world beyond the pandemic Läs artikeln här...
Bild från Max Morse/WireImage Epic Games’ Kim Libreri, one of THR’s Top Hollywood Innovators, says digital representation of humans will become more real, from digital doubles to holograms. Läs artikeln här...