ARRI announces the ALEXA 265
The new generation 65 mm camera is one-third the size and weight of its predecessor. It features a revised 65 mm sensor, the color science from Alexa 35 and a new filter cartridge system.
Read the magazine here...
Ella Lemhagen filmar Så länge hjärtat slår med Bianca Kronlöf i huvudrollen. Nils Petter Löfstedt gör dokumentären Det omätbara om den svenska omsorgen. Dokumentären Vägen till ingenstans av Johan Palmgren besöker en vägstump norr om Kir...
“ARRICAM Makes A Huge Comeback” Av de filmer som är Oscars nominerade 2024 är 13 filmade med Arris filmkameror och 5 med Panavisions filmkameror. Det är hela 44% som är gjorda på film. När det gäller digitala kameror är 14 gjorda med Arri...
Faced with a tight timeframe to shoot Heartstopper’s second season, cinematographer Simona Susnea reveals the creative and technical processes that helped her beat the clock when capturing Charlie and Nick’s cross-Channel adventure, while paying ...
Check out this easy guide to getting started with Pika Labs and using AI to generate cinematic video. In the fast-moving world of artificial intelligence, it can feel like a full-time job just keeping up with all of the new apps and features. While w...
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Go Behind the Scenes of the Filming of ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’. Let Martin Scorsese take you on a journey through his complex set. This week, a Martin Scorsese movie comes out and I can feel the electricity in the air. Possibly the g...
The Australian cinematographer shares well-earned lessons from his storied career. In this video, he shares lessons learned in his time with the ABC, as an operator, and as a cinematographer, including the importance of bringing an open-minded approa...
Nu lanseras en gemensam handbok för hållbar film och tv-produktion baserad på ”European Booklet for Green Productions”. Den svenska översättningen har tagits fram inom ramen för Branschforumet för ekologisk hållbarhet för att ge stöd å...
You may have heard rumors, from those lucky enough to attend, that this year’s edition of the Manaki Festival is the best one yet! And to paraphrase Mark Twain; those rumours are not greatly exaggerated. Between the 23rd and 29th of September...