ARRI announces the ALEXA 265
The new generation 65 mm camera is one-third the size and weight of its predecessor. It features a revised 65 mm sensor, the color science from Alexa 35 and a new filter cartridge system.
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Från 1a januari 2016 och sannolikt hela månaden ut, visas Quentin Tarantino’s ”The Hateful Eight” i 70mm Ultra Panavision på biografen Rigoletto i Stockholm. Att i Sverige visa den så kallade ”Road Show”-versionen (70mm film, ouvertyrmu...
(English version of this article can be found here.) Den femte upplagan av Oslo Digital Cinema Conference, eller kort och gott ODCC, ägde i år rum mellan 30/10 och 1/11 i Norska Filminstitutets lokaler på Dronningens Gate i centrala Oslo. K...
Tickets Available at: Digital Storytelling is very happy to announce the upcoming Norwegian VFX 2015 on December 5th at Westerdals Oslo ACT, Campus Vulkan. Since 2006 Digital Storytelling, together with its par...
At GoKinema in january it was decided that the FSF should send two representatives to the BSC Expo. Andrés Rignell and I was selected for this. First of all, let it be said that the BSC put on a fantastic Expo at Pinewood studios! A line-up of very ...
Den snabba utvecklingen inom digital filmbearbetning med bl.a. DI (Digital Intermediate) har skapat nya arbetsvägar och många nya facktermer. Quantel har på sin hemsida flera intressanta publikationer om just digital teknik både gällande film oc...